Data Structure Programs

Data Structures Programs in C

ARRAY C Program to read and print elements of an array C Program to find sum of all elements of an array C Program to find maximum elements in an array C program to insert an element in an array C program to delete an element from an array C program to delete duplicate elements from an array C Program to print unique elements of an unsorted array C program to find maximum and minimum element of an array C Program to create a duplicate array C program to find number of duplicate elements in an array C Program to find count of each element of an array C Program to sort elements of an array in increasing order Program to Find the Number Occurring Odd Number of Times Program to Separate Even and Odd numbers of Array Program to Find Maximum and Minimum Number of an Array using Tournament Method Program to Separate 0 and 1 in an Array Find Largest Subarray with Equal Number of 0 and 1 Program to Find a Pair with Given Difference Find the Smallest Missing Positive Number in an Unsorted Array Program to Find Duplicate Elements in Linear Time and Constant Space Find a Row of a Matrix Having Maximum Number of 1 Program to Find a Sub Array Whose Sum is Zero C Program to Find Majority Element of Array Program to Merge One Sorted Array into Another Sorted Array Reverse Array Elements Using Recursion C Program to Check Majority Element in a Sorted Array Program to Find Occurrences of a Number in Sorted Array C Program to Find Missing Number in Array Program to Rotate an Array by N Positions Program to Search an Element in a Sorted and Rotated Array Program to find Pivot Element of a Sorted and Rotated Array C Program to Find a Pair Whose Sum is Closest to Zero Program to Rearrange Positive and Negative Number Alternatively C Program to Move All Zeroes to the End of Array Find Triplet Whose Sum is Equal to Given Number Program to Count Number of Possible Triangles using Array Elements Program to Maximize Profit by Selling and Buying Shares Program to Rotate Array Using Block Swap Algorithm Program to Find a Pair Whose Sum is Equal to Given Number C Program to Print Distinct Elements of Array Program to Find Pythagorean Triplet in an Array Program to Find Common Elements of Three Sorted Array C Program to Find Four Elements Whose Sum is Equal to S Program to Check One Array is Subset of Another Array Program to find SubArray Whose Sum is Equal to Given Number Program to Implement Two Stacks in an Array Program to Find Largest and Second Largest Element in an Array Program to Find Maximum Difference Between a Pair of Elements Program to Find Union and Intersection of Two Sorted Arrays C Program to Find Ceiling of a Number in Sorted Array C Program to Find Floor of a Number in Sorted Array C Program to Sort an Array Containing 0, 1 and 2. Program to find Maximum Repeating Element of Array in O(n) Time.