C++ program to Check Whether a Number can be Split into Sum of Two Prime Numbers

C++ program to split a number in two prime numbers.

C++ program to Check Whether a Number can be Express as Sum of Two Prime Numbers


using namespace std;
int isPrime(int num);

int main() {
  int num, i;
  cout << "Enter a positive number\n";
  cin >> num;
  for(i = 2; i <= num/2; i++){
         cout << num << " = " << i << " + " << num-i;
              return 0; 
  cout << "Not Possible";
  return 0;

// returns 1 if num is prime number otherwise 0
int isPrime(int num){
    int i;
    // Check whether num is divisible by any 
    // number between 2 to (num/2)
    for(i = 2; i <=(num/2); ++i) {
        if(num%i==0) {
            return 0;
    return 1;
Enter a positive number
24 = 5 + 19
Enter a positive number
Not Possible

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