C++ Program to Print a Sentence on Screen

Here is a C++ program to print a multi line string using cout. C++ program to print a sentence is one of the simplest programs. It is among the first few programs that many people write while learning a C++ programming language. This program helps in understanding basic syntax of C++ programming language.

The cout is the standard output stream which normally prints data on standard output (which by default is the screen). Here, we will see how to print a single line and multi line string using cout.

C++ program to print a sentence on screen

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout <<"Tech Crash Course";
    return 0;
Tech Crash Course

C++ program to print a multi line sentence on screen

We can either use endl or new line charcater '\n' to break a sentence and move to next line.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "Tech Crash Course"<< endl <<"
        C++ Programs\n"<<"Thank You";
    return 0;
Tech Crash Course
C++ Programs
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