C Program to Print Natural Numbers in Right Triangle Pattern

Here is a C program to print natural numbers right angled triangle. This C Program to print Natural Numbers in Right Triangle Pattern is an educational exercise that introduces beginners to the concept of patterns in programming.For a right triangle of 4 rows. Program's output should be:

C program natural number triangle pattern

Required Knowledge

Algorithm to print natural number right triangle pattern using for loop
  • Take the number of rows(N) of right triangle as input from user using scanf function.
  • Number of integers in Kth row is always K. 1st row contains 1 integer, 2nd row contains 2 integers, 3rd row contains 3 integers and so on. In general, Kth row contains K integers.
  • We will use a integer counter to print consecutive natural numbers.
  • We will use two for loops to print right triangle of natural numbers.
    • Outer for loop will iterate N time. Each iteration of outer loop will print one row of the pattern.
    • For Kth row of right triangle pattern, inner loop will iterate K times. Each iteration of inner loop will increment the value of counter and print it on screen.

Here is the matrix representation of the natural number triangle pattern. The row numbers are represented by i whereas column numbers are represented by j.

C program natural number triangle pattern

C program to print right triangle star pattern


int main() {
    int i, j, rows, count = 1;

    printf("Enter the number of rows\n");
    scanf("%d", &rows);

    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
            printf("%d ", count);
Enter the number of rows
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10

Importance of Practicing the Natural Numbers in Right Triangle Pattern Program for Beginners

As beginners in programming, practicing the Natural Numbers in Right Triangle Pattern Program holds several key advantages that contribute significantly to your learning and skill development. Let's explore why this program is important for you:
  • Understanding of Looping Concepts : This program introduces you to the concept of nested loops, which are essential in programming. Nested loops allow you to control the flow of execution in complex patterns, helping you understand how loops can be used to achieve specific outcomes.

  • Introduction to Pattern Recognition : By practicing this program, you begin to recognize and understand number patterns. This skill is fundamental in programming, as many problems require the identification and manipulation of patterns to find solutions.

  • Preparation for Advanced Programming : The skills and concepts you learn from this program serve as a foundation for tackling more advanced programming challenges. It prepares you for more complex problems that require pattern recognition, algorithmic thinking, and efficient use of loops.

  • Enhancement of Logical Thinking : The program challenges you to think logically to devise a strategy to generate and display natural numbers in a specific pattern. This enhances your ability to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable components, a crucial skill in programming.

  • Building a Strong Foundation : Practicing this program helps you build a strong foundation in programming. It familiarizes you with fundamental concepts and techniques that are essential for your growth as a programmer.


In conclusion, practicing the Natural Numbers in Right Triangle Pattern Program is essential for beginners as it enhances your understanding of looping concepts, improves your logical thinking and pattern recognition skills, and prepares you for more advanced programming challenges. It lays a solid foundation for your programming journey and boosts your confidence as you progress in your learning.

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