C Program to Calculate Compound Interest

In this C program, we will learn about how to read principal amount, rate of interest and time from user and calculate compound interest. We will first read Principle amount, rate of interest and time using scanf function. We will use below mentioned formulae to calculate Compound Interest (CI).

Required Knowledge

  • Amount = P x (1 + R/100)T
  • Compound Interest = Amount - P
Where P, R and T are Principle, Rate of Interest and Time respectively.

Importance of Practicing Compound Interest Calculation Programs for Beginners

For beginners in the world of programming, practicing compound interest calculation programs holds immense significance. Here's why:
  • Conceptual Understanding : Writing such programs aids in grasping fundamental arithmetic operations and mathematical concepts, laying a solid foundation for more advanced programming endeavors.

  • Real-World Application : Compound interest is a concept widely used in finance and investment. By writing programs to calculate compound interest, beginners gain insights into its practical applications.

  • Algorithmic Thinking : Developing programs to calculate compound interest involves algorithmic thinking, which is crucial for solving complex programming problems.

Tips for Writing Compound Interest Calculation Programs in C

When writing a compound interest calculation program in C, consider the following tips:
  • Use of Variables : Use meaningful variable names, such as principal, rate, time, and compound_interest, to improve code readability.

  • Input Validation : Validate user input to ensure that the principal, rate, time, and compounding frequency values are within the acceptable range and format.

  • Step-by-Step Approach : Break down the calculation process into smaller steps, making it easier to implement and debug.

  • Compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods.

  • The compounding frequency determines how often interest is added to the principal amount.

C program to calculate compound interest

#include <stdio.h>  
#include <math.h>  
int main() {  
    float principle, rate, time, amount, interest; 
    printf("Enter Principle\n");  
    scanf("%f", &principle);
    printf("Enter Rate of Interest\n");  
    scanf("%f", &rate);  
    printf("Enter Time\n");  
    scanf("%f", &time);  
    /* Calculates Amount */  
    amount = principle * pow((1 + rate/100), time);  
    /* Calculates Interest  */ 
    interest = amount - principle;
    printf("After %d Years\n", time);
    printf("Total Amount = %.4f\n", amount); 
    printf("Compound Interest = %.4f", interest);  
    return 0;  
Enter Principle
Enter Rate of Interest
Enter Time
After 3 Years
Total Amount = 129502.9141
Compound Interest = 29502.9141


Mastering the art of writing a C program to calculate compound interest is a fundamental step for beginners venturing into the world of programming. It not only provides a practical application of arithmetic operations but also lays a robust foundation for tackling more complex programming challenges in the future. Through diligent practice and adherence to programming best practices, beginners can hone their skills and embark on a fulfilling journey in the realm of programming.

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