C++ goto Statement

The goto statement in C++ is used to transfer the control of program to some other part of the program. A goto statement used as unconditional jump to alter the normal sequence of execution of a program.

Often regarded as a forbidden fruit, the goto statement allows us to jump from one part of our code to another. In this tutorial, we'll explore the syntax, use cases, advantages, and potential pitfalls of the goto statement.

Syntax of a goto statement in C++

goto label_name;
// Statement(s) to be executed
In this structure, label_name is a user-defined identifier followed by a colon, and it marks the target location for the goto statement. When the goto statement is encountered, control is transferred to the labeled statement.
  • label_name : A label is an identifier followed by a colon(:) which identifies which marks the destination of the goto jump.
  • goto label_name: : When goto label_name; executes it transfers the control of program to the next statement label_name:.

The Controversy Surrounding goto Statement

Before we delve into use cases and examples, it's crucial to address the controversy surrounding the goto statement. Many modern programming paradigms discourage its use due to concerns about code readability and maintainability. Excessive use of goto can lead to "spaghetti code," making it challenging to follow the flow of execution. However, in certain situations, judicious use of goto can provide a clear and efficient solution.

C++ goto Statement Example Program

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){

    int N, counter, sum=0;
    cout<< "Enter a positive number\n";
    cin >> N;
    for(counter=1; counter <= N; counter++){
        sum+= counter;
        /* If sum is greater than 50 goto
           statement will move control out of loop */
        if(sum > 50){
            cout << "Sum is > 50, terminating loop\n";
            // Using goto statement to terminate for loop
            goto label1;
    if(counter > N)
        cout << "Sum of Integers from 1 to " << N <<" = "<< sum;
    return 0;
Enter a positive number
Sum is > 50, terminating loop
Enter a positive number
Sum of Integers from 1 to 8 = 36

In above program, we first take an integer N as input from user using cin. We wan to find the sum of all numbers from 1 to N. We are using a for loop to iterate from i to N and adding the value of each number to variable sum. If becomes greater than 50 then we break for loop using a goto statement, which transfers control to the next statement after for loop body.

Advantages of goto Statement

  • Simplicity and Readability : In some cases, the goto statement can lead to more straightforward and readable code. For example, when handling complex error conditions that require cleanup, using goto can help avoid nested if statements and improve code clarity.
    void processResource() {
        int* ptr = new int;
        if (someErrorCondition) {
            std::cerr << "Error: Unable to acquire resource.\n";
            delete ptr;  // Cleanup before exiting
            goto cleanup;
        // Process the resource
        // ...
        delete ptr;  // Cleanup code
    In this example, the use of goto reduces indentation levels and makes the error-handling logic more apparent.

  • Reducing Code Duplication : The goto statement can be useful in situations where code duplication would otherwise be necessary. For instance, when multiple exit points from a function require the same cleanup code, using goto can centralize the cleanup logic.
    #include <iostream>
    void processResource(bool condition) {
        int* ptr = new int;
        if (condition) {
            std::cerr << "Error: Unable to acquire resource.\n";
            goto cleanup;
        // Process the resource
        // ...
        delete ptr;  // Cleanup code
    Here, the goto statement avoids duplicating the delete ptr cleanup code in both the error and success paths.

Disadvantages of goto Statement

While the goto statement has its use cases and advantages, it comes with significant pitfalls and considerations that should not be taken lightly:
  • Spaghetti Code : Excessive use of goto can lead to "spaghetti code," making it challenging to understand and maintain the flow of execution. Code readability is paramount, and the indiscriminate use of goto can undermine this principle.

  • Scope Issues : The goto statement can lead to scope-related issues. Jumping to a label can bypass variable initializations and introduce unexpected behavior.
    void processResource(bool condition) {
        int* ptr;
        if (condition) {
        // Bypasses variable initialization
            goto cleanup;  
        ptr = new int;
        // Process the resource
        // ...
        delete ptr;  // Cleanup code
    In this example, jumping to the cleanup label bypasses the initialization of ptr, resulting in undefined behavior.

  • Difficulty in Debugging : The use of goto can make debugging more challenging, as it introduces non-linear code flow. Identifying the origin of bugs and understanding the sequence of executed statements becomes more complex.

  • Modern Alternatives : Modern programming languages and paradigms offer alternatives to the goto statement that promote structured and modular code. Features like exception handling, structured control flow, and well-designed functions can often provide cleaner solutions.

Uses of goto Statement

The only place where goto statement is useful is to exit from a nested loops.

For Example :
for(...) {
    goto label1;

In above example we cannot exit all three for loops at a time using break statement because break only terminate the inner loop from where break is executed.

Any program written in C++ language using goto statement can be re-written using break and continue statements.


the goto statement remains a powerful tool, though one that must be wielded with care. While its use is generally discouraged in modern programming, there are scenarios where it can provide a clean and efficient solution. Understanding its advantages, pitfalls, and alternatives empowers us to make informed decisions about whether to embrace or shun the goto statement.