C Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer

In this C program, we will count digits of a number. Given an integer N, we have to count the number of digits of N and print it on screen.

For Example

Number of digits in 423536 is 6.

C program to count the number of digits in a number using loop

In this program, we first take a number as input from user using scanf function. Then inside while loop, we keep on removing right most digit(Least significant digit) of number and increment a counter(count variable) till number becomes zero. Finally, we print the value of count variable on screen.


int main() {
    int num, temp, count=0;
    printf("Enter an integer\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    temp = num;
    while(temp!=0) {
        temp = temp/10;
    printf("Number of digits: %d",num,count);

    return 0;
Enter an integer
Number of digits : 5
Enter an integer
Number of digits : 3

C program to count the number of digits in a number using logarithm

We can use log10(logarithm of base 10) to count the number of digits of positive numbers (logarithm is not defined for negative numbers).
Digit count of N = log10(N) + 1


int main() {
    int num, temp;
    printf("Enter an integer\n");
    scanf("%d", &num);
    temp = num;
    if(temp < 0)
       temp = temp*-1;
    if(temp) {
     /* If input number is non-zero */
        printf("Number of digits in %d : %d",num, 
    } else {
        printf("Number of digits in %d : %d",num,1);
    return 0;
Enter an integer
Number of digits in 6534 : 4
Enter an integer
Number of digits in -423 : 3

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