C Program to Convert Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit

Here is a C program to convert temperature from fahrenheit to celsius. Given a temperature in Celsius, we have to convert it to fahrenheit and print it on screen. To convert celsius to fahrenheit, we will use below expression:
F =(9/5)*C + 32;
where, C is the temperature in Celsius and F is temperature in Fahrenheit.

C program to convert temperature from celsius to fahrenheit


int main() {
    float fahren, celsius;

    printf("Enter the temperature in celsius\n");
    scanf("%f", &celsius);

    fahren =(9.0/5.0) * celsius + 32;

    printf("%.2fC is equal to %.2fF\n", celsius, fahren);
    return 0;
Enter the temperature in celsius
15.00C is equal to 59.00F
Enter the temperature in celsius
0.00C is equal to 32.00F

C program to convert temperature from fahrenheit to celsius

In this program, to convert fahreneheit to celsius we are using below expression:
C = (F - 32)*(5/9);
where, F is temperature in fahreneheit and C is temperature in celsius.


int main() {
    float fahren, celsius;

    printf("Enter the temperature in fahrenheit\n");
    scanf("%f", &fahren);

    celsius = 5 * (fahren - 32) / 9;

    printf("%.2fF is equal to %.2fC\n", fahren, celsius);
    return 0;
Enter the temperature in fahrenheit
0.00F is equal to -17.78C
Enter the temperature in fahrenheit
98.60F is equal to 37.00C

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